How we deliver Globally Resonant Design and Technology

How we deliver Globally Resonant Design and Technology

Project overview

In a world where digital presence is pivotal, understanding and incorporating cultural nuances into design is crucial. Above The Fold undertook a project to create a bespoke website for a boutique wealth management agency based in China.

This project was not just about building a website but about weaving the rich cultural fabric of Chinese aesthetics into every digital touchpoint. Our goal was to ensure that the design not only met the functional needs of the agency but also resonated deeply with their local market, aligning with preferences that are uniquely appreciated within Chinese culture.

Cedrus Investments
Design & Development


Our approach to this project was meticulous and culturally informed. We began with an in-depth analysis of the client’s market and the cultural specifics that influence design preferences in China. Our team collaborated closely with local consultants to ensure authenticity in every element we designed.

The execution involved selecting color schemes, typography, and imagery that are culturally revered and aligned with Chinese aesthetics. We prioritized user interface designs that were intuitive for the local user base, incorporating elements that are familiar and favored in the Chinese digital ecosystem. Regular feedback sessions with the client ensured that each step met their expectations and cultural standards.

The final product was a website that not only functioned seamlessly but also stood as a testament to the client’s identity and cultural values. It was a perfect blend of modern technology and traditional aesthetics, which was highly appreciated by the client and their stakeholders.

Project Results

How we deliver Globally Resonant Design and Technology

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